Юридическая фирма АРТЕ

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Investments and foreign economic activity

Регистрация предприятий, ООО, ЧП в Севастополе

Ликвидация предприятий в Севастополе

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Абонентское юридическое обслуживание в Севастополе


The substantial part of ARTE’s projects is directly or mediately connected to foreign economic and investment activity. We have considerable experience in legal support of export-import transactions with counteragents from the near and far abroad, in regulation of currency and barter transactions, in composition and revision of foreign-economic contracts.

We provide legal assistance in the field of contractual regulation of foreign-economic and investment activity:

  • working out and analysis of foreign-economic contracts;
  • legal provision of conclusion, fulfillment and termination of foreign economic and investment contracts;
  • legal provision of export-import, barter and lease transactions;
  • advising on licensing and quota of export-import operations;
  • assistance in execution of state registration of foreign economic contracts;
  • advising on imposition sanctions for contravention of foreign-economic laws;
  • appearance before competent state bodies in case of appeal against decisions on imposition of penalties in the sphere of foreign-economic activity.

We have considerable experience in the matter of currency transaction regulation as well as regulation of foreign-economic loan relations:

  • advising on choose of an optimal form of payments in national and foreign currency in foreign economic relations;
  • legal support of obtaining of National Bank of Ukraine individual licenses;
  • legal support of obtaining of National Bank of Ukraine’s accordance for fulfillment of definite currency transactions;
  • legal support of obtaining  of loans in foreign currency by Ukraine residents from non-residents as well as provision of loans in foreign currency by residents to non-residents.

We provide legal support of investment activity by legal entities and individuals (residents and non-residents) on the territory of Ukraine:

  • working out and analysis of investment schemes and projects;
  • incorporation and support of further activity of companies with foreign investments;
  • representation of investors before state and municipal authorities on implementation of investment activity on the territory of Ukraine;
  • legal protection of investors’ rights and interests.
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